
Karaoke for Lou Reed - Average Guy

Lou Reed - Average Guy (03:12)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Lou Reed - Andys Chest (03:21)
Lou Reed - Average Guy (03:12)
Lou Reed - Gun (03:40)
Lou Reed - Hangin round (03:38)
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Lou Reed Velvet Underground - Heroin (07:05)
Lou Reed - Im So Free (03:13)
Lou Reed - Lady Day (03:36)
Lou Reed - Lou Reed Perfect Day (03:44)
Lou Reed - Make Up (03:00)
Lou Reed - New York Telephone Conversation (01:37)
Lou Reed - New York Telephone Conversation (01:34)
Lou Reed - Perfect Day (03:44)
Lou Reed - Perfect Day (03:54)
Lou Reed - Satellite Of Love (03:45)
Lou Reed - Satellite Of Love (06:45)
Lou Reed The Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning (02:49)
Lou Reed - Sweet Jane (07:59)
Lou Reed - Take a Walk on the Wild Side (04:07)
Lou Reed - Underneath the Bottle (02:30)
Lou Reed - Vicious (02:59)
Lou Reed - Vicious (02:57)
Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side (04:08)
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side (04:18)
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wildside (04:07)
Lou Reed - Waves of Fear (04:12)

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